why it seems so hard for me to have a normal life,,,just like PEOPLE. Just like u are!
There is always something wrong....
Stupidity, awkwardness, being clumsy, the sins
...and those are really really bothering me.
But I choose not to get drowning into. I would like to act like there is nothing happen, and life is yet still wonderful.
I thank God for every single shits that happened!
S.O.S please!!!!!!!
2 komentar:
Curaaaaaang !!!!
harusnya kan aku yang nulis paragraph-paragraph di atas, bukan kamu :)
come on, banyak orang ingin berada di posisimu sekarang (it is true.. )
dan setiap orang punya masalah sendiri2 , vik .dan setiap orang berbuat salah... hidup memang tidak pernah mudah.. berharap saja semua yang terjadi bisa membuat kita lebih baik di waktu mendatang. nobody is perfect.
hidup terus berjalan .. liat cerita selanjutnya, yuk :)
huhuhu...mungkin dari luar semua keliatan okay. But it's trully happened...i
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